As many are aware, recently in Florida several people dragged a shark to death by it's tail. Now, tonight there is video on the news of someone catching a shark and shooting it, which was thought to be a nursing female...meaning 12 more shark pups may have died in that incident. The shark was not threatening them they were on a boat, they caught it, they dragged it up and shot it point blank. Cruel and inhumane.
Florida Governor Rick Scott has expressed interest in laws being passed to raise the penalty on marine life abuse so that Florida Fish and Wildlife would have more leverage.
Please sign this petition that is going to go to Governor Scott to show we support his thought and also to Fish and Wildlife to show this needs to stop. These are innocent creatures being horrifically abused in our oceans. Numerous pictures have surfaced since the original shark incident and this is unacceptable. Please add your voice and comments. Until we can get a law in place, like Governor Scott has hoped for, the people who are ignorant enough to do this will continue to do it
Please show by your signature to Governor Scott that we wish him to proceed in whatever way he needs to to get this accomplished.. Please add a short comment to give him your thoughts and support for this legislation