The Paris Climate Agreement was a historic agreement to tackle climate change. While the Paris Agreement has its flaws, it's an important starting place for global action against climate change.
However, all that is being threatened by the current US regime that seeks to back out of the agreement or weaken it further by amending it. This cannot happen if the global response to climate change seeks to prevent the catastrophic effects of rampant climate chaos.
Canada, Germany and France have been strong proponents of the Paris Agreement. It is time the leaders of these countries send a strong message to the US to say that there is no backing out from the Paris Agreement. These three countries are strong trade allies to the US as well as members of NATO and have the ability to influence the current administration's decisions on climate change.
Sign today to keep the US in the Paris Climate Agreement. By signing today you are sending a strong message to Canada, Germany and France to empower them to truly protect the climate.
* Photo Credit: By U.S. Department of State from United States [Public domain], <a href="">via Wikimedia Commons</a>
To Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Macron,
As someone who is greatly concerned with the current effects of climate change I am deeply concerned by the US' recent moves to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement.
This agreement is an important start to a long journey to appropriately tackling climate change on a global level and all countries must do their part, especially big polluters like the US.
As close trade and NATO allies with the US your countries have the ability to pressure the US to stay in the Paris Climate Agreement without ammendments in order to ensure that climate change does not have even more catastrophic effects than it has already.
I urge you to use your influence with the US to ensure that they stay commited to preventing further climate change.
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