Don't reenact the Pitbull ban in Cincinnati Ohio!
Back in 2012 The city of Cincinatti repealed their nine year old ban on Pitbulls and any dog that simply looked like one. Sadly, it looks like they may consider bringing back the ban after a Pitbull owned by a drug dealer attacked a young girl. Instead of blaming who was truly at fault, the drug dealer, they blamed the dog. This madness has to stop. When will they start blaming humans instead of dogs? We need to keep them from reintroducing this ban at all costs! Instead pass a bill to avoid irresponsible owners and criminals from adopting and/or buying Pitbulls. A ban would only punish responsible owners and kill innocent family pets. A ban never works, criminals will still get these dogs and abuse them.
Please, instead of banning Pitbulls, pass a bill that will ensure that criminals and irresponsible owners cannot own Pitbulls. This is the only way to ensure the safety of dogs and the public. A ban will not prevent these types of people from owning Pitbulls, it will only punish responsible owners and kill innocent family pets. Please, think of the interest of good, responsible pet owners.
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