Shocking footage from Peru shows the moment a small cat is deliberately thrown into a murky lagoon full of vicious crocodiles. Two men can be heard laughing as someone launches the cat out of a bag into the water, which is surrounded by high fences.
The reptiles quickly close in on the animal as it frantically swims past them and onto a small area of dry land. The cat seems to have pulled off a miraculous escape when it climbs onto the bamboo fencing but here, but it tragically runs out of energy. One of the crocodiles pounces on the exhausted animal and pulls its back in by its tail. After several injuries and acttacks by the reptiles, the cat dies.
Animals are not playing toys humans can simply use as mere fun. In a society as evolved as the actual one, it is expected respect for living beings that have being our friends for years, and yet, actions like this one still happen and the criminals get away with it. We cannot let it happen!
Demand justice for this cat and prison for the ciminals who commited such an horrible crime! Sign and share this petition, we cannot let these men to get away unpunished and we need to stand up for animals as defenseless and small as this cat; we need to be its voice and to pass the message how acts like this will be punished and brought to justice!!
Justice for the cat and all the animals!!
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Shocking footage from Peru shows the moment a small cat is deliberately thrown into a murky lagoon full of vicious crocodiles. Two men can be heard laughing as someone launches the cat out of a bag into the water, which is surrounded by high fences. After several injuries, the cat died ( This cannot be ignored and justice is needed and demanded! We need to be the voice of this poor cat who fell into the wrong hands and the men must be punished!