A new undercover investigation by the Humane Society found that many chickens are boiled alive at Butterfield Foods Co. in Butterfield, Minn.
During the investigation, which spanned 57 days and is documented on film, the investigator witnessed many birds missing a knife that is supposed to cut their throats prior to entering a scalding tank. In a half-hour period, 45 birds were boiled alive.
Butterfield slaughters 85,000 chickens daily, and their practices may be indicative of lax standards in other major factory farms. The video shows Butterfield's workers disposing of birds who were boiled alive before reaching USDA inspectors. This means the USDA does not count those birds.
The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act requires livestock to be insensitive to pain before they are slaughtered, but chickens are exempt from this act. This allows Butterfield to get away with condemning 45 conscious birds to a painful death every half hour.
Please sign the petition to urge the USDA to raise animal welfare standards for chickens to prevent this cruel, excessive abuse at Butterfield and all other factory farms.
We, the undersigned, are concerned with the findings of a new Humane Society investigation at Butterfield Foods Co. in Butterfield, Minn.
During the investigation, which spanned 57 days and is documented on film, the investigator witnessed many chickens missing a knife that is supposed to cut their throats prior to entering a scalding tank. In a half-hour period, 45 birds were boiled alive.
Butterfield slaughters 85,000 chickens daily, and their practices may be indicative of lax standards in other major factory farms. The video shows Butterfield's workers disposing of birds who were boiled alive before reaching USDA inspectors. This means the USDA did not count those birds.
The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act requires livestock to be insensitive to pain before they are slaughtered, but we understand that chickens are exempt from this act. This allows Butterfield to get away with condemning 45 conscious birds to a painful death every half hour.
In response to this investigation, we respectfully urge you to raise animal welfare standards for chickens to prevent this cruel, excessive abuse at Butterfield and all other factory farms. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.