Keep Loudoun Streams Clean & Healthy!
Loudoun Streams are in trouble. A 2009 EPA-funded study found 78% of Loudoun Streams to be stressed or severely stressed. Bacteria in 53%-83% of streams sampled between 2005 - 2009 exceeded limits for recreational/swimming use. The proposed Chesapeake Bay Protection Ordinance can help protect water quality in Loudoun Streams. The ordinance is on the September 21, 2010 agenda for the Board of Supervisors. The Board needs to be urged to move forward on the ordinance. Sign the petition below to show your support for the ordinance!
Loudoun streams are in trouble. A 2009 EPA-funded study found 78% of Loudoun Streams to be stressed or severely stressed due to water pollution. The Loudoun County 2009 Water Resources report includes data that for the study period 2005 - 2009, bacteria in 53% - 83% of stream sites sampled exceeded the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality limits for recreational/swimming use . In other words, it is not safe to come in contact with those waters. In 2007, PCBs were found in tissue from fish taken from Broad Run and Goose Creek.
Loudoun's water resources can be protected by the Chesapeake Bay Protection Ordinance. It safeguards and preserves trees and vegetation alongisde perennial streams. This strip of land adjacent to streams can be thought of as "Mother Nature's Streamside Filters." They effectively remove pollutants (Visit Loudoun Clean Streams Coalition at for a wealth of information about the ordinance, the science behind the ordinance, and the environmental and economic benefits of streamside filters.) Currently, Mother Nature's Streamside Filters are not protected. Witness the recent destruction of over 400 trees on the Trump Golfcourse (August 13, 2010, The Washington Post).
We the undersigned, want Loudoun water resources protected today and for future generations to come. We all need clean water to drink, bathe, prepare and produce our food. Please move forward with the Chesapeake Bay Protection Ordinance. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
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