As horrible as it is to accept, some people who become parents abuse their children. We all know this simply from watching the news. Every day there is a story about a child hurt or killed by the person that was entrusted to keep them safe – their parent or parents.That is the sad truth. How many of us wish that we could go back in time and rescue Caylee Anthony from her mother, Casey?
Caylee was not saved because no one realized she was in danger from the person that was supposed to protect her – her parent. That is because abusive parents do not abuse in public. They do not tell their friends. They do not brag on facebook that they just played a sex game with their 5 year old daughter. They hide it from everyone, and if the child tells, they accuse the child of lying or of being manipulated by the other parent.
Harley and her sister Zoey have been telling their mother, their doctors, their therapists, teachers, friends, and family that their daddy has been playing a game with them called weewees and butts since they were 4 and 3 years old. Every expert in abuse who has talked to them believes that they have been abused, but four and a half years later, Harley and Zoey are still being ordered by Judge Deborah Gambrell in the Chancery Court of Marion County, Mississippi to visits with their father when she has not seen the evidence of abuse and refuses to even look at it. Judge Dawn Amacker in the 22nd Judicial District Court for the Parish of St. Tammany in Louisiana has refused to protect them also, even though she has the power and the authority to do so.
Their dad just keeps calling them liars and saying that their mom is making them say it. All their mom wants is for a judge to look at ALL the evidence and THEN decide who to believe. We need Judge Gambrell and Judge Amacker to look at the evidence before they make Harley and Zoey go back to their father’s house where there is no one to protect them except the person they are most afraid of.
Harley still loves her daddy. She just wants him to stop doing what he is doing to her. She does not feel safe with him alone. We need a judge to hear her story. Will you help?
Sign our petition telling the judges to look at the evidence before they make a decision that will affect the rest of her and her sister’s lives.
Have questions want to do more to help? Email us at and someone will respond within 24 hours. Want to see more, go to and read the writ submitted to the Louisiana Supreme Court on August 12, 2011.
Horrified? Call the judges and let them know:
Judge Deborah Gambrell, Chancery Court Marion County Mississippi
Phone: (601) 545-6028
Fax: (601) 545-6080
Email Court Administrator:
Dawn Amacker, Judge, 22nd JDC, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana
Amber Mitchell Staff Attorney (985) 809-5420
Michelle Simon Secretary (985) 809-5420 FAX: (985) 809-5309
The Louisiana Supreme (504) 310-2300
Are you a victim of abuse and don’t know where to go or how to get help? Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE or find them online at
We, the undersigned, insist that you ensure that the two little girls who are the subject of the case no. 2011-14457, pending in the 22nd JDC, St. Tammany Parish Louisiana, and the case no. 2006-0136-G-T, pending in the Chancery Court of Marion County Mississippi, are afforded all legal protections, including a full evidentiary hearing, to ensure that they are protected from abuse.
To the Louisiana Supreme Court, we, the undersigned, ask that you issue emergency writs, ordering the courts below to exercise emergency jurisdiction over the two small girls until, based on all the evidence available, it is established by clear and convincing evidence, that the little girls subject to these proceedings are being protected from further abuse, including ordering the Hon. Dawn Amacker, Judge, Division L, 22nd JDC, Parish of St. Tammany, to lift the unlawful stay of the adoption proceedings and to set an evidentiary hearing at all due speed, allowing the girls’ stepfather to show why it is in the girls’ best interest that he be allowed to adopt them.
To Judge Amacker, we, the undersigned, insist that you withdraw the unlawful stay of the adoption proceedings currently pending in your court, and, in accordance with La.Ch.C. art. 1253, a hearing be set with all due speed to allow the girls’ stepfather to show why it is in the girls’ best interest that they be adopted by him, thereby terminating all parental rights of the girls’ biological father.
To Judge Deborah Gambrell, we, the undersigned, ask that you renounce jurisdiction in this matter to the Louisiana court because the children have lived exclusively in Louisiana for the past three years. Their schools, teachers, physicians, therapists, little sister and brother and the vast majority of significant contacts are now in Louisiana. There is also an adoption proceeding pending in Louisiana over which Louisiana has jurisdiction and in the interest of judicial economy, and the best interest of the girls, Louisiana is the more appropriate forum to oversee ensure the “best interest” of the girls are protected. If you refuse to relinquish jurisdiction to Louisiana, we insist that you remove the Guardian Ad Litem currently assigned to the case, and replace him with one that has the proper training and experience in investigating allegations of child sexual abuse in custody proceedings. We further insist that, in keeping S.G. v. D.C. 13 So. 3d. 269 (Miss. 2009), you specifically define the Guardian Ad Litem’s role in the suit; require the new Guardian Ad Litem prepare a written report; require that the report be shared with all parties prior to a hearing; that all proceeding be conducted on the record, with advance notice and opportunity to be heard, and that an evidentiary hearing be conducted to review the allegations of child sexual abuse, and that no visitation be allowed until you have seen all of the evidence.
Thank you for your consideration and for protecting HB and ZB!
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