Make Animal Cruelty A Felony in United States

  • by: Leslie Jones
  • recipient: President Obama, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
Currently all but the states of Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota have felony provisions for Animal Cruelty. However, even in the states that DO, only Alabama and Louisiana have a maximum sentence of 10 years. Some states have as little as 6 months in jail as the maximum penalty. This is a tragedy. It is appalling that someone can brutally torture and murder an innocent animal and only face 6 months in jail. A LIFE IS A LIFE!

If there is going to be REAL change made in the lives of animals in the US there MUST be a FEDERAL LAW that applies to ALL states with the maximum penalty of 10 years, a fine of no less than $10,000, as well as intense counseling for ALL offenders. This may seem drastic to some, but it more often than not takes drastic measures to prevent horrific actions.

I urge everyone who loves their pets, who loves animals at all, to sign this petition and to take REAL action against Animal Cruelty ALL across the US. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. We need as many signatures as possible for this to be taken as seriously as it should be. Please speak out for those who cannot.
We the Undersigned,
Respectfully urge you, the law makers of the United States, to take action on the very real problem of Animal Cruelty across the country. While many states have already adopted felony provisions for Animal Cruelty, the penalties vary greatly from state to state, the maximum jail time ranging from 10 years to as little a 6 months. This disparity in penalties is the cause of many cases of Animal Cruelty going unpunished.
While great progress has been made on this issue there is still much that can and should be done. We urge you to make Animal Cruelty a Federal Felony, with an appropriate maximum penalty; including jail time, fines and counseling for all offenders. Only in this way can there be real progress and change in the lives of animals in this country.
It is a known fact that many who abuse and murder animals move on to abuse and murder children as well as adults. These people who prey on the innocent must be held accountable for their actions, not let go with a simple slap on the wrist. Action must be taken to prevent this proven escalation of violence. Making Animal Cruelty a federal felony that would be strictly enforced across the country is the only solution. As was said by Mohandas Gandhi, "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.". Please show the world how great a nation we are by defending the innocent and helpless animals in this country.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for listening to the concerns of the American people, whom you represent, as well others all around the world. 
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