Make Sure Animals Get Their Justice!

  • by: Susan Peytonator
  • recipient: U.S. President, Head of Companies That Test On Animals

Every day, many animals die because of animal testing. Millions of rabbits, dogs, cats, mice and other animals are burned, poisoned and killed in painful tests, that are very unnecessary and do not provide anesthesia, each year to see if cosmetics and medicines are "safe". The problem with that is that animals and humans have different reactions to things, so what hurts them may not hurt us and vice versa. There is no complete guarantee that the product will not harm us just because it didn't harm the tested species. The animals are kept in isolated cages, infected with many diseases, and tortured with chemicals. Imagine all of this horrible treatment onto an innocent animal that never expected this. Stop this "scientific research" right now by signing this petition!

Update #110 years ago
Please go to and watch their show, "Animal World", to see how loving and noble animals are. They don't deserve this cruel testing onto them.

~Thank you Ms. Mary Ch from ON~
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