Not all cans of tuna are created equal. In fact, what brand of canned of tuna you choose to put into your grocery cart can have a lasting effect on the world around us. Some brands of canned tuna are now taking steps to ensure their ecological footprint is as small as possible. While others are still purchasing their tuna fish from fishing companies whose catch comes from dubious sources, are not easily traceable, participate in unethical fishing practices and maybe even violate human rights in their labor practices.
According to Greenpeace's "2017 Tuna Shopping Guide" ( which ranks 20 of the America's most popular canned tuna brands
from most to least responsible ) Walmart's brand "Great Value" comes in as one of the least sustainable brands at #18 out of 20.
As the world's largest retailer, Walmart has the power to implement policies that can shift how other companies around the world behave. By being lax with their canned tuna standards they are tacitly allowing fishing companies to continue to harvest this valuable resource in ways that could have lasting effects on our environment for years to come.
Whole Foods another one of America's large retailers, recently committed to selling 100% sustainable canned tuna in its stores by 2018. By doing so they are showing they care about the origins of their product, the effect it has on our environment and the people who harvest it.
I think it is time Walmart make the same commitment and show they too care about where our tuna comes from. Please join me by signing this petition and let's ask Walmart to take a stand and say no to irresponsible tuna.
Dear Walmart Exectutives;
I am concerned that your canned tuna is considered one of the least sustainable and socially irresponsible brands on the market. By purchasing your product from untraceable and dubious fishing companies you are contributing to the problem and not the solution - helping to make our oceans more ecologically sound and acquiring tuna from responsible sources. As the largest retailer in the world a simple policy change would make your venders think twice before harvesting its tuna irresponsibly and thus have a lasting effect on our oceans. Please consider following in Whole Foods' footsteps and commit to selling only 100% sustainable canned tuna by 2018.
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