We were appalled by the recent incident where whales were slaughtered in front of tourists and visitors to St. Vincent and disheartened to learn that this is a regular occurrence which would continue if it did not receive negative international attention . Until legislation is put in place to ban whaling in St. Vincent, we will pledge not vacation there. The legislation must have harsh penalties attached to it and must be enforced. If legislation is put in place and the perpetrators continue to engage in whaling and are not arrested and charged or receive the proverbial slap on the wrists, through the court system, ,then we will pledge not visit St. Vincent and we will spread the news to all those we meet who are inclined to vacation in the Caribbean. WHALING MUST STOP! We will fight with our voices and our spending power. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/04/orcas-killed-tourists-st-vincent-whaling/