STATE FUNDED MASS POISONING of the stray and unwanted dogs of Chisinau, Moldova, is happening right now.
The Mayor of Chisinau and the Director of the National Sanitary Services (Centre for National Health) has ordered the municipality ‘to clean the city of stray dogs by Easter’ by mass poisoning. This is absolutely disgraceful. We address this petition to the Mayor of Chisinau, Mr Dorin Chirtoaca and appeal to him directly to show compassion by stopping the poisoning campaign with immediate effect.
While the city sleeps, the municipality workers put out poison every night, last week alone between 20-40 poisoned dogs died in excruciating pain on the streets and were taken to ‘necropolis’ for disposal. The poison used is 'tubazit' which is used for the treatment of tuberculosis and is absolutely fatal to dogs when ingested. These poor dogs died alone and in agony. Their only crime is to be born into a country where the municipality treats them with absolute disdain and disinterest. Shame on you Moldova.
Yes, Mayor Chirtoaca, you do have a problem with stray and unwanted dogs in your city but the methods you are using are not effective, will not solve your problems, and they are extremely cruel. For every dog you order to be killed, another will be born. You know the only answer to your problems and this is to vaccinate, spay and neuter! There are international animal welfare organisations who are willing to help you.
If Moldova would accept this help and take the initiative to implement a vaccinate/spay/neuter programme to deal with the stray dog population management, Moldova could be the leading light in Eastern Europe with a scheme such as this. Lead by example and others will follow. Please listen to the voice of the public and do something logical and constructive that will make a difference, will make Moldova stand out in a good way and put a stop to this medieval and cruel method which has no place in a modern society.
Please sign this petition to tell Mayor Chirtoaca that his current methods are simply not acceptable and implore him to adopt a vaccinate, spray and neuter programme. It is the rational, humane answer.
'This petition was raised by the organisation Friends of Moldavian Strays, you can find out more about them at'
This petition has also been translated in Romanian and Russian.
Exterminarea în masă a câinilor maidanezi Pentru pregătirea de Sfintele Sărbători de Paști, Primarul municipiului și șeful serviciului sanitaro-epidemiologic au dat dispoziția de a curața străzile mun. Chișinău de câinii fără stăpân. Pe timp de noapte, când toată lumea doarme, angajații primăriei vor pune momeli otrăvite, biscuiți cu izoniazid (tubzid). Această otravă este un medicament contra tuberculozei, în urma căreia câinii mor în durere și ore de agonie. În fiecare dimineață, sanitarii primăriei adună 20-40 de trupuri neînsuflețite a acestor biete animale și le depozitează la Necropola Neagră (deja bine cunoscută) Ne adresăm domnului Primar: Ce vină poartă aceste animale, ca să moară în așa mod? Opriți masacrul! Da, câinii fără stăpân pe străzile municipale sunt o problemă, care trebuie soluționată. Dar astfel de metode nu soluționează problema. E știut faptul, pe când un animal este otrăvit, altul dă naștere la 5-7 căței. Oare mai uman și mai corect, conform normelor europene, nu ar fi sterilizarea și vaccinarea maidanezilor??? Rugăm, să ascultați opinia societății. Sunt un șir de organizații internaționale, care ne pot ajuta în reducerea numărului de maidanezi de pe străzile municipiului prin metode umane și astfel să evităm să fim unica țară europeană, care face masacru câinilor.
Массовая травля бездомных собак происходит в Кишиневе и окрестностях прямо сейчас. Мэр города и директор санитарной службы дали приказ муниципалитету "очистить улицы от бездомных к Пасхе". Ночью, пока город спит, сотрудники муниципалитета раскидывают отраву. В результате от 20 до 40 отравленых собак каждое утро. Трупы отвозят в печально известный Некрополь. Отрава Тубазид - лекарство от туберкулеза, собаки умирают в страшных мучениях и агонии. Единственная их вина - ненужность и одиночество. Мы обращаемся к мэру Кишиневу, господину Дорину Киртоакэ, с просьбой проявить милосердие и остановить массовое убийство немедленно. Господин Киртоакэ, у Вас проблемы с большой численностью животных в городе. Но методы, которые Вы используете бессмыслены, не эффективны , очень жестоки и безчеловечны! В то время, как по Вашему приказу, умирает одна собака, рождается 5-7 щенков. Единственное решение проблемы - стерилизация и вакцинация бездомных собак. Международные организации готовы протянуть руку помощи Молдове в решении гуманного сокращения численности бездомных собак. Пожалуйста, проявите благоразумие и сделайте шаг на встречу. Молдова может быть лидирующей страной в Восточной Европе в этом вопросе, примером для подражания. Пожалуйста , прислушайтесь к мнению общественности, перейдите к конструктивным методам. В Ваших силах вытащить Молдову из средневекового маркобесия и варварства.
For the attention of Dorin Chirtoaca, Mayor of Chisinau.
I am writing on behalf of the Areal Moldavian Dog Rescue, Fundatia Laika, Casa Katharina, Azilul Muhtar, Aova, Island of Hope, the Friends of Moldavian Strays United Kingdom and the enclosed signatures pertaining to the enclosed petition, which span the world.
We, collectively, would like to express our disgust at the INHUMANE treatment these dogs are systematically subjected to on a daily basis. They endure cruelty beyond reproach, which has to stop with immediate effect. We appreciate that Moldova has an excessive stray dog popultion, BUT there is a humane and civilised approach which you as the Mayor of Chisinau needs to recognise.
It has been proved time and time again by international animal welfare organisations that the implementation of a Spay-Neuter-Release programme, with your co-operation, can progress in a successful manner, which allows these dogs to co-habit safely, disease and pain free.
I am very interested in listening to your views on this subject. This issue needs to be address urgently. Cruelty on this scale is totally unacceptable in a modernised, civilised society. I very much hope that you, as Mayor of Chisinau, will consider expediting change in Moldova for the good of the stray dogs, the country and the people.
I look forward to your receiving your response.
Yours sincerely
Debbie O'Connell
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