Preserve West Michigan's Largest Watershed Now!

Important Update:

Based on conversations and confirmation from Ridge Point Community Church, Love's Travel Stop does NOT have an approved mitigation site with them as presented at the MDEQ open forum on 2-9-16.

We need signatures/comments on this petition to prevent the MDEQ's approval of the Love's Travel Stop permit application for regulated wetland mitigation.

There is over 1,000 miles of major interstate highway in Michigan and a property in our 175 square mile watershed isn't the only commercial real estate for sale.

Thank you for taking action to protect our environment!

Please share!

We request your signature and comment on this petition to prevent the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's approval of the Love's Travel Stop permit application for regulated wetland mitigation.
The approval of Love's application would result in:
-loss of natural wetlands
-61% of lead contamination in water is a result of asphalt run-off
-significant light pollution which would impact wildlife beyond the borders of the approved site plan
-noise pollution with an increase of over 700 trucks and cars per day (trucks running throughout the night and air braking)
-increased solid waste (plastic items, cups, straws, and garbage)    which will pollute the surrounding Macatawa River, Black River,  Lake Macatawa as well as Lake Michigan
-air pollution (over 700 trucks and cars per day)
-potential erosion around the proposed mitigation site
-wasted investments and limited access to the Hawthorn Pond  Natural Area and the overpass pedestrian bridge.
-protecting the Macatawa Greenway Trails for hiking and biking
-wasted investment of $85,000 in 2015 from Michigan Natural  Resources Trust Fund and Holland Charter Township

Please sign this petition and comment to protect our community where we live, work and play. Petition and comments are due to Michigan DEQ by February 19th.

Permit Number: 70-771
Application: #2HP-NMV1-JTED
Project Name: Loves Travel Stop


Concerned Residents in the area (approximately 800 at this point) signed this on-line petition which was started on February 11th, 2016.   This petition is continuing to be shared via social media and we fully expect the numbers to grow as more individuals realize the magnitude of this situation and ramifications to follow for decades to come. 

We sincerely asked the MDEQ to review all of these concerns about the well being of our Macatawa Watershed Development.  The constant theme in many of these comments is "why this location?".  Residents feel the applicant is getting a free pass on having to demonstrate many of the  items listed in the "Permit Review Criteria" in regards to alternate sites and/or alternate build plans.  The entire application reads as if this is only about the mitigation plan versus a full review on the proposed project.   Residents are getting the feeling our MDEQ is simply processing an application versus taking measured steps  to protect the Macatawa Watershed.   This project may be good for the area and our state but residents strongly feel this is the wrong location for this. 

Residents would sincerely ask the MDEQ to elevate the review of this permit application to include all aspects of the review process and not just those items presented by the applicant.  In addition, the MDEQ is fully aware the agreement in place with Ridge Point Church was misrepresented by the applicant and the church is not moving forward. 



Holland / Zeeland Residents

Update #48 years ago
The Public Hearing will be held on Monday, November 7th, 2016 at 6:00pm. The location will be the Herrick District Library, located at 300 S. River Avenue, Holland, Michigan 49423.
This is our only Public forum to voice why we believe the wetlands should be protected!
Please SHARE this update and SHOW UP on Monday, Nov.7 6PM at Herrick Library.
WE can make a DIFFERENCE!
Update #38 years ago
Love's Travel has reapplied for approval on wetland property. They are proposing 'creating' their own wetland. The new application # is 2HP-NMV1-JTED Site name 70-771 Black River Drive-Holland Please email Audrie Kirk, MDEQ, asking for a public forum and/or comments regarding permit due by October 12, 2016.
Update #29 years ago

Letters due today to the MDEQ requesting denial of the Love's mitigation permit. Thank you for helping protect our environment & community.
Submit your email or letter to:
Attn: Audrie Kirk – Environmental Quality Analyst
Grand Rapids District Office
350 Ottawa Avenue N.W.
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2341
Fax: 616-356-0202
Or E-Mail: and
Reference the Permit Number
Permit Number: 70-771
Application: #2AV-FDR4-RHKZ
Project Name: Loves Travel Stop
Update #19 years ago
Based on confirmation from Ridge Point Community Church, Love's does NOT have an approved mitigation site with them as presented at the MDEQ open forum on 2-9-16. We need signatures/comments on this petition to prevent the MDEQ's approval of the Love's Truck Stop permit application for regulated wetland mitigation. There is over 1,000 miles of major interstate highway in MI and a property in our 175 square mile watershed isn't the only commercial real estate for sale. Thank you! Please share!
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