Dear Mr. President:

It is dismaying that, despite the Department of Interior’s own findings that the use of air-guns would injure and disrupt up to 138,200 marine mammals (and this is only an estimate of damage to be caused), you have given the go-ahead to Big Oil to injure and murder these precious Relatives of the Sea through the use of seismic air-guns. This shows extremely poor judgment, and a lack of foresight, as it will annihilate many, if not all species of Sea Life, such as the North Atlantic Right Whale, of which at this time, only 500 remain. Would you possibly be able to live with this decision? It will affect, not only injure and kill much of Sea Life, but will also affect the local economy, as well, as other Sea Life will be destroyed in the process of seismic blasting. Over-fishing is bad enough, but adding seismic "exploration" of the Oceans will prove fatal to ALL Life on Mother Earth. It will have a domino effect equal to that of climate change.


            Let it be shown that:

  1. The Record of Decision to explore the Atlantic Ocean is deeply and utterly flawed, if not downright wrong. It is nothing more than a license to kill. It is not scientifically, economically, nor ecologically responsible to feed the greed of society by murdering our Relatives of the Sea, exploring/exploiting the Atlantic for oil.
  2. As a Native woman, concerned citizen and stakeholder, I commit to doubling down my efforts and do everything in my power to stop the permitting process.
  3. Through the permitting process to cause harm to our Relatives of the Sea, the voices of the people will continue to sound. We will stand by our Relatives of the Earth against Big Oil, and all other Big Dirty Energy Corporations. We will not be silent as wholesale murder is committed against the inhabitants of the Oceans.
  4. Rest assured that this petition is submitted with respect, however, the proposed cruelties brought about by seismic blasting in the Atlantic raises righteous outrage. We are outraged because we are paying attention. The decision to allow seismic blasting in the Atlantic is an outrage not to be ignored. It is, in essence, genocide on many levels.

 Please think about this very carefully. Seriously weigh the consequences. Please hear our voices, and do not yield to the human tendency to think that we are better than all other life, hence destroying all in our path simply because we think we can do so with no accountability. We are all accountable for our thoughts, our words, and our deeds.

In the name of All Our Relations... thank you. The Real Story on Seismic Blasting in Our Oceans by Oceana

Update #410 years ago
If we don't speak out for the sea-dwellers, we will be as responsible for their destruction as the very perpetrators themselves. Please help. Thank you.
Update #310 years ago
Please, we need more signatures before it is too late... Thank you.
Update #210 years ago
This matter has become more urgent as President Obama turns a blind eye to the consequences of seismic blasting in the Atlantic. It is critical. Help me get the message out: NO BLASTING IN THE ATLANTIC!
Update #110 years ago
Greetings, my Relatives. With 225 signatures on this urgently important petition, it is more than obvious that many care, and for this I am grateful. But we need for more people to be aware of the dangers of the proposed use seismic air-guns in the Atlantic. Let us send a strong, and respectful message to President Obama and BIG DIRTY OIL corporations. Thank you.
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