Stop Burning the Upland Moors in England and Scotland!
Large portions of heather on England's and Scotland's upper moors are repeatedly burned so that new heather grows to feed red grouse chicks. Once grown, these birds will be shot by wealthy game hunters.
It's bad enough that this unnatural burning cycle exists only to promote an elite blood sport. The environmental impacts of the burning cycle are just as devastating. Burning heather tracts destroys ancient peat, reduces its capacity to retain water and releases megatons of carbon into the atmosphere. The water runoff from damaged peat adversely affects aquatic life.
UK ecosystems are more important than a single hunting sport that only elite sportsmen enjoy. Please sign the petition to urge UK authorities to put an end to the destructive and unsustainable burning cycles on England's and Scotland's upper moors!
As you know, large portions of heather on England's and Scotland's upper moors are repeatedly burned so that new heather grows to feed red grouse chicks for the hunting trade.
It's bad enough that this unnatural burning cycle exists only to promote an elite blood sport. The environmental impacts of the burning cycle are just as devastating. Burning heather tracts destroys ancient peat, reduces its capacity to retain water and releases megatons of carbon into the atmosphere. The water runoff from damaged peat adversely affects aquatic life.
We believe that UK ecosystems are more important than a single hunting sport that only elite sportsmen enjoy. We respectfully urge you to put an end to the destructive and unsustainable burning cycles on England's and Scotland's upper moors! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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