Mr. Kenny Hetrick has been nothing short of a blessing to our Walbridge and Lake Twp (Ohio) community not only is he a well known officer of the law, a good hearted drug counselor and trusted friend to the areas youth But also a loving caring lifesaver to many wonderfully beautiful exotic animals that otherwise may never had a chance in the wild.
However; a short while back another animal keeper for his own careless reasons, let his animals free on the southern Ohio town before taking his own life. Now Ohio is trying to enforce rediculously crazy laws on all private zoo keepers. Kenny has over 30+ years handling and caring for his animals and community and could never expose either to such recklessness or hRm. Now he has been given unt Jan 1,2014 to abide by all the crazy new laws which include over a million dollars for insurance on a police officers wage.
As his friend and an animal lover, I beg everyone reading this to sign this petition to save these creatures befor they are unnecessarily destroyed by the government.
For more information about Tigerridge Exotics please click on this link...
HElp give Kenny and his animals the best Christmas ever!!
Thank You!