In India, apart from Rhino's being killed brutally in North eastern states, there have been growing reports of elephants being poached in Uttarakhand. States close to our borders. Considering that we only have around 25,000 elephants and 3000 rhino's left in India, it is a critical period for us to save them from extinction.
From the few elephants left, many are taken away from their herds and families and used for events and festivals. These animals who need vast space to walk on are confined by chains and subjected to abuse by their handlers to make more money.
Poaching has reached dangerous proportions with 100,000 elephants being killed in the last 2 years alone in Africa. Poaching is also supporting terrorist activities and civil strife in the country. Demand for ivory products by the growing middle class population in China and demand of Rhino horns in Vietnam are the primary cause of the world losing these beautiful animals.
The fate of these gentle giants is at stake today. And many other species like tigers, leopards and others. We are losing our precious animals to countries like China and Vietnam.
On 4th of October this year, more than a hundred cities will march world-widedemanding an end to the ivory trade, an end to palpable corruption and an end to the carving factories in China.
Toward this end we ask for the Indian goverenment to provide better facilities for forest guards, like better training and ammunition, training on elephant welfare and handling man animal conflict.
The national and state governments have to be held accountable to save these animals from extintction. If the elephant and rhino is to survive and the terror is to end, governments must take meaningful action to show the world they care and prepared to go the distance:
Thank you for taking the time to sign this petition. In India, apart from Rhino's being killed brutally in North eastern states, there have been growing reports of elephants being poached in Uttarakhand. States close to our borders. Considering that we only have around 25,000 elephants and 3000 rhino's left in India, it is a critical period for us to save them from extinction.
Poaching has reached dangerous proportions with 100,000 elephants being killed in the last 2 years alone in Africa. Poaching is also supporting terrorist activities and civil strife in the country. Demand for ivory products by the growing middle class population in China and demand of Rhino horns in Vietnam are the primary cause of the world losing these beautiful animals.
On 4th of October this year, more than a hundred cities will march world-widedemanding an end to the ivory trade, an end to palpable corruption and an end to the carving factories in China.
The national and state governments have to be held accountable to save these animals from extintction. If the elephant and rhino is to survive and the terror is to end, governments must take meaningful action to show the world they care and prepared to go the distance:
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