Demand justice for the cats of Ty-Nant Sanctuary.

  • by: Jenna Satterley
  • recipient: Bethan Jenkins AM, Swansea Crown Prosecution Service, Houses Of Parliament

Ty-Nant Cat Sanctuary suffered a break in on 30th July 2016. Two males stole a large cage and a number of cats. Four cats were found near the premises dead after having been mauled by dogs owned by the two males, the cats also suffered horrific abuse by having their leg muscles cut with a sharp object and had shot wounds to their necks. The two males were apprehended and a cage containing three cats that were alive had been found after it was covered in ferns, the two males were planning to set these cats free so they could allow their dogs to hunt them and rip them to pieces later that day but thankfully they were found by the sanctuary staff while the two males were in custody. Some cats have since been found near the sanctuary unharmed and have been returned but at least three are still missing to this day, their condition is unknown.

UPDATE: The two males that were arrested in connection of this crime have been sentenced. Please refer to the most recent update on this Campaign. Signatures are still very much needed as we are in the process of obtaining legislation for an Animal Abuse Register through the Welsh Assembly that is highly likely to be adopted by the entire of the UK. 

I also propose that a new law is passed that an animal abuse register is introduced which will mean that any person that is found guilty of animal abuse, neglect or cruelty will have to sign up and their details be held. This will ensure that perpetrators are monitored and details of their crimes can be found by prospective employers as a criminal damage charge can mean a number of things. There is nothing stopping perpetrators from lying and hiding the seriousness of their crimes. This would also mean that people like these two men will not be permitted to own/keep animals or weapons or work for any company that deals with animals.

Firstly, I am sending this petition to the local AM Bethan Jenkins in hope that she will be able to help stop crimes of this nature by speaking for those that sign and influencing a maximum penalty to those that have committed this crime. I have also included that this petition be sent to the Crown Prosecution Service. I hope that they will see how outraged  the public are and the impact this crime has had on so many people. 

Secondly, as this petition has reached such a significant amount of signatures, I am now able to present it for debate. This won't take place until the court case has ended because cases that are ongoing cannot be discussed, but I assure that once the two men have been dealt with, this petition regarding this particular case will be discussed and I hope it will help introduce an animal abuse register that will help many hundreds of animals and people.

The petition/campaign is being prepared for debate and the Welsh Assembly are very keen to listen, I have joined teams with a campaign group based in England and we are now taking the correct steps to help thousands of animals now and in the future. Not only are we putting our case forward for the implementation of an Animal Abuse Register we are asking for the law to be updated regarding the Animal Welfare Act 2006. Things are looking good right now and each and every signature is a voice that is helping me to achieve this goal of not only making sure these two men go away for a long long time but to make sure that any punishment given should reflect the seriousness of the crimes committed against animals.

Thank you all for your support!

Update #57 years ago
A peaceful demo:
Please join me on November 7th, at the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff Bay from 10:30am (petition will be handed in at 1:30pm). Joined by Justice for Chunky campaigners, based in England, they will be handing in their petition for an Animal Abusers Register to support Wales and pressure the UK Parliament into legislating. The media have been invited and we need YOU most of all! Come down on November 7th and show your support! Any questions you have will be answered, see you there!
Update #48 years ago
UPDATE: The two males have now been sentenced. One was not charged for animal cruelty whilst the other was found guilty of causing animal cruelty and received 2 months custody for the animals deaths +30 months for the burglary -88 days on bail. I think we can all agree that whilst there is a justice, two months is very lenient. The petition is being used to make sentencing harsher and to introduce an animal abuse register in the Welsh Assembly joined by "Justice For Chunky" campaigners.
Update #38 years ago
Important update: The petition is going to be entered for debate in the Welsh Assembly. This is a massive step towards success. Everything is currently being prepared whilst we not only wait for the trial date of the offenders but also for the date of the debate. It means that the implementation of an Animal Abuse Register is being taken seriously and also the ypdate of the Animal Welfare Act 2006! Our voices are being heard!!
Update #28 years ago
Hello! Apologies for the late update, I'm extremely busy doing presentations and emailing the relevant people regarding this case and the petition. A meeting with the local AM Bethan Jenkins was a great success, talks are now in process to update the Animal Welfare Act and to introduce the Animal Abuse Register. We are awaiting the trial date which will run for three days commencing 13th December. The CPS have told me that the petition has been put on file. Thank you all for your patience.
Update #18 years ago
Now we wait...

In the past two weeks the petition was prepared and sent to Bethan Jenkins AM and the Swansea Crown Procecution Service. The hearing is taking place on September 2nd 2016 and I have done all that I can do for now. I will post an update on this as soon as I am aware of it.

Thank you for speaking up for the animals.

Best wishes,

Jenna x
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