Ban fishing on Arapaima

  • by: Peter Watson
  • recipient: Head of the US Fish and Wildlife Service: Daniel M. Ashe

(Note: This is my first petition)

The Amazon species of Arapaima are the largest freshwater fish of South America, and among the largest freshwater fish in the world. However they have been overexpolited to the point that according to a 2014 report about 93% of their population has been fished and as a result the species faces extinction, which could result in compromising of biodiversity. Please sign this petition if you want this fish under protection to allow the species to repopulate itself.

Dear Daniel

It has come to my attention that the Amazon Arapaima fish has recently been reported to facing extinction because of overfishing which is easily achieved due to its need to draw air by reaching the surface.

It has also come to my attention the my search on "Arapaima" on your website beings up only 2 results and both involve the same events involving someone illegally fishing and catching one Arapaima.

I have petitioned to Care2 asking fellow members to take action and to ask you to help preserve this species to make sure that it can replenish its numbers before its to late.

Will you be willing to survey the fish and identify how many there are left? I fear that if no action is taken then the biodiversity of the Amazon Oceans may be compromised because of the prey of Arapaima may increase to unsustainable numbers threatening the future of Earth's Oceans.

Yours Sincerely

Peter Watson

Update #110 years ago
We've reached up to nearly 350 signitures. However, the Petition's end date is almost here. I've made my letter to the Head of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Now we need to prove that we have the numbers to get his attention.
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