Maltby Lake (see: is a small lake close to the city of Victoria, BC, Canada (14km to city centre). It and its surrounding land has been unusually well preserved and contains many rare, particularly old, and endangered ecosystems, plant and animal species. It is currently on the front lines of human-nature conflict.
It is unusual because it is the last of the relatively wild lakes close to Victoria. The ownership of the single undivided parcel of land around it is complex. A significant part (35%) of the ownership was given to a local environmental land conservation group through a now deceased owner's final will. The intention was that it "would hopefully be turned into a park". It is up for sale due to poor financial management on the part of the organization. It will go to what is essentially a bankruptcy court hearing fairly soon. If that part falls in the hands of developers then the fate of the lake will basically be sealed. The local environmental stewards of the lake are facing a tough struggle to keep the ecological integrity of the lake intact for all people for the foreseeable future.
See also:
We, the undersigned, speak for all those who have no voice in the local affairs of Saanich/Greater Victoria BC. As fellow human beings on this planet we all share and who are aware of the many problems associated with habitat destruction and degradation, we urge you to protect the unusually high quality natural environment in and around Maltby Lake BC Canada in any way you can.
We speak for those too young to speak and the yet unborn who will be most strongly affected by your decision. We speak for those who are no longer with us and who left us this rare jewel. We speak for all humans and all beings who have suffered and died due to the effects of habitat destruction and degradation. We speak for all species on this earth and most importantly the unusually old Douglas-fir trees, and endangered Purple Martin, Red-legged Frog, Western Painted Turtle, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, California Willow-herb, Humped Bladderwort, and several endangered ecosystems present in and around this lake.
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