Reform the Big Spring, Texas, animal shelter!

The Big Spring Animal Shelter is overwhelmed by the volume of animals they must bring in! We call on the city council to improve conditions for the animals and allow volunteers to lend a helping hand!

Here at Relocation Rescue, we rescue animals from the city's shelter, where they are otherwise euthanized, and get them adopted to new homes. We've helped place over 1,000 dogs so far, but are saddened by what we see at the shelter. It's short staffed and needs more support, yet doesn't even allow volunteers!

Here are the needed action items, many of which are standard codes and regulations they should already be in compliance with.

  1. Become a "no-kill” shelter, reserving euthanasia only for the most dangerous or terminally ill animals.
  2. Use a licensed veterinarian to provide basic care and, when euthanasia is strictly necessary, perform the process as humanely as possible.
  3. Hire a Staff Director with a background in animal welfare who is both compassionate and properly trained in proper shelter procedures.
  4. Implement a low-cost spay/neuter and vaccination program for animals adopted from the shelter.
  5. Ensure that all animal control officers are properly trained in state guidelines for the care and capture of animals.
  6. List ALL animals at the shelter online with a photo, as current records are inaccurate
  7. Provide the proper funding to accomplish these objectives

Please sign the petition to help these animals! By taking these steps, fewer pets will be put down and more will find loving homes or be reunited with owners.

While this petition for change circulates, we would like to take a moment to say that we hope all impending changes will be well received and can be completed in a friendly and respectful manner. We have no intentions of mud slinging or name calling and in fact consider many BSACOs friends. Volunteers have been kept out for way too long and a rescue liaison is needed. There is no reason a City should not allow volunteers in to HELP. We have agreed to sign waivers, complete training, provide training and carry proper insurance....yet here we are three years later and STILL volunteers are not allowed. Come on Big Spring, we CAN and WILL do better for the welfare of these animals. Our patience has worn out. We can help walk animals while kennels are cleaned, we can help do laundry, feed, take phone calls and network rather than having the phone ring off the hook unanswered. Please sign this petition for CHANGE!!!

Here is the full list of petition requests we are sendin gto the sheler:

1. City shall use a licensed Veterinarian who can be available to assess animals as needed, provide basic vetting care as deemed feasible by standards set by Advisory Committee and perform the euthanasia procedures in accordance with the Texas Administrative Code Rule 169.84; Allowable Methods of Euthanasia. Ensuring that all animals are sedated properly and using a vein to inject the medicines as quickly as possible to limit any stress or harm to animals ensuring that the process is done as humanely as possible.

2. Hiring of Staff Director who has a background in Animal Welfare and is properly trained and concerned with proper shelter procedures. We request a compassionate Director who is willing to work with animal rescue groups and concerned citizens for the betterment of the animals of the City of Big Spring.

3. Implementation of a low cost spay/neuter and vaccination program for the animals adopted from the Shelter prior to them being adopted as part of the adoption fee. This will not only promote more adoptions and revenue into the shelter, but also help to reduce unwanted animal population in Big Spring. At one time there was a grant for this that the city stopped.

4. Ensure that all ACO are properly trained by state guidelines in care and capture of animals. Require it mandatory that all staff know State and Federal Law concerning animals, especially assistance animals and wild life.

5.A "no-kill" shelter is an animal shelter that does not kill healthy or treatable animals even when the shelter is full. It reserves euthanasia for terminally ill animals or those considered dangerous to the public. Public is notified 48 hrs prior to any euthanasia and animals with interest are held. Any animal awaiting transport will be held.

6. ALL animals at the shelter must be listed online (within a few hours of entering the shelter) with a photo, unique ID, intake date, and species, breed, age, and gender information. We have also not been able to obtain accurate or complete records of intake, adoptions, and euthanized animals for the years we have requested.

Provide the proper funding to accomplish these objectives

Update #38 years ago
The City officials have heard our requests and have agreed to lease us City owned property for $1/YEAR! This property is in DIRE NEED of updates and maintenance and new construction.
We estimate this cost will be $75,000. If each person that signed donates $1 we could quickly achieve our goal! Please consider donating today at:
Update #29 years ago
You signed our petition & the City of Big Spring heard you! Last night in the 28 degree weather, 3 dogs were abandoned in the cold. Unless recued, they will be destroyed. They need YOU now! Relocation Rescue is in need of a permanent home, the future shelter is in need of $50K. Your pledge of $5 or more is needed, we can’t do this without YOU! Help us give the homeless animals a voice and a safe place.
Update #19 years ago
Please join us at the Big Spring, TX City Hall on JULY 28TH at 6:00 PM to motivate City Leaders and Officials for CHANGE!

Now is the time for CHANGE and ACTIONS rather than EMPTY words!

Please be there to be the voice for these animals, who cannot speak up for themselves!
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