Please sign and share worldwide in an effort to save this beautiful, rare albino dolphin and urge Japan to release it back into the wild, not sell it at auction! If they sell it, the poor animal will always be subjected to a life of captivity, human interactions and eating dead fish rather than catching its own food. This animal needs to live a normal happy life in the habitat that it is used to, in its natural habitat. Help achieve those goals by signing your name today!
Several dolphins were caught in Taiji, Japan, including a rare albino dolphin. (This is the same dolphin hunt made famous in the documentary "The Cove.") Many of the other dolphins were slaughtered, according to members of the Sea Shepherd conservationist group. However, they transferred the rare albino dolphin into a small holding pen where it is being trained to eat dead fish and get used to human interaction. The only objective of the dolphin slaughters is for profit, not culture, and now Japan wants to sell this dolphin rather than release it into its natural habitat of the ocean waters.
Sea Shepherd campaign organizers state that, "These dolphins do not belong to Japan; they belong to the ocean." They do not need to be held in captivity and sold at auctions like "things" to be used for human pleasure and profit. Let us work together in the name of this rare albino dolphin and demand it is released into the wild where it belongs rather than sold and kept in captivity full of unnatural, stressful living. By signing and sharing the petition on all media sites worldwide, we can be a voice for this dolphin and demand its freedom.
Taiji, Japan Government Officials - We urge that you reconsider your ideas about selling the rare albino dolphin at an auction just for profit; keeping it in captivity while exploiting it to interact with humans for pleasure and making it eat dead fish instead of catching its own food. Don't sell this albino dolphin; release it into the wild ocean waters of its natural habitat.