Demand This Horrible "man," Mr Falbo, be charged & jailed for animal cruelty
- by: Reid Baccio
- recipient: Palm Beach County, FL, District Attorney, 301 N Olive Avenue, Suite 601, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Mr Falbo deliberately ran his lawnmower over a family of ducks, killing 9 & traumatizing the surviving ducks as well as the homeowners.
Please sign this petition to demand he being charge with animal cruelty & jailed for a long time.
Warning: this is definitely an effed NSFW story!!!
This #Bastard #MoFo needs to spend time in jail with an animal-loving big bad-ass biker dude!
Palm Beach County District Attorney,
We, the undersigned, do hereby you prosecute Mr Falbo to the fullest extent of the law on 11 counts of animal cruelty in his heinous act of killing 9 with his lawnmower and causing 2 others to drown.
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