Because of the grind going on in the Faroes Island with the barbaric and murdering of all of the pilot whales and dolphins, the government does not seem to care about this. This has been seen all over the world and if your a tourist over there and do not report the sightings of dolphins and pilot whales, you will receive a hefty fine and go to prison. The Danish navy is also ready to perform a sonar test that will deafen 100's of whales and dolphins. They are also illegally shipping whale meat out of there, people need to understand if they continue this they will kill our oceans which of course means we die also. Since they do not seem to care even though the world is seeing this I want to boycott all Danish products, if we hit them in there pocket books maybe this will end the barbaric grind! Please sign my petition and help put a end to this! Thank you very much for your support!