The whole world is watching you sit back and do nothing about the grind. I hope this petition stops the world from coming to your country and visiting what was once a beautiful place for whale watching along with watching dolphins the people are outraged and your even handing down huge fines and imprisoning tourists for not reporting seeing these mammals! One ship has been seized for the illegal transport of whale meat but you continue to allow this. The pictures and videos we are seeing is the cruelest act of animal abuse I myself have ever seen. This needs to stop right now. I pray that enough signatures are reached to boycott anything and everything that comes from you, and that all forms of tourism to your country stops. Money is all you care about not animals lives or the people that come to visit there, you disgust me and so many others that I do not know how you can even look in a mirror. If your country ever needs any help I do not think you will receive any from anybody! Stop this cruel murderous act. Please I am begging everybody to sign this petition and to never visit this country. Thank you for your support...Cheryal J Johnson