Please also sign the petition on the Animals Australia website. The link is
A mother possum with a baby clinging to her back is pulled from a sack on a property just west of Brisbane. What's about to happen to her is not only sickening, it's illegal. Yet ground-breaking investigations have revealed it's cruelty that's all too common in the greyhound racing industry.
Rumours have abounded for many years that 'live baiting' occurs routinely in Australia — where greyhound trainers tie small animals to lures and encourage their dogs to chase, attack and kill them as part of their training. But no one has managed to obtain the physical evidence needed to enable the RSPCA to use their powers to mount an investigation.
Until Animals Australia and Animal Liberation Queensland got involved…
In high risk investigations spanning New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, Animals Australia and ALQ used surveillance cameras to monitor premises where greyhound training was being conducted. The deeply shocking footage showed greyhound trainers routinely using piglets, possums and rabbits as 'live bait'
Each year, state governments across Australia pour millions of taxpayer dollars into the greyhound racing industry. Yet incredibly, greyhound racing receives very little, if any, government oversight or scrutiny.
What these investigations have graphically revealed is that the only sure bet when you combine gambling, prize money and live animals, is that you will find people who will do anything to get a winning edge — and that innocent and defenceless animals will pay the terrible price.