There are so many riders attached to bills and bills like S.855 that attack one of the few laws in this country that is a good law and one that 80% of the American public support-- The Endangered Species Act. I am asking you to persuade your colleagues in your Democratic caucus not to support any rider or bill that attacks the Wolves , Grizzly Bears and all wildlife and Wilderness. S.1645 and Hr2822 are bills with riders attached that will set this country back several decades and all of our tax dollars and time and effort put in by the many volunteers and scientists , biologists and good caring government officials will be all for nothing. I am asking you on behalf of all of the activist and others that do not want to see the wilderness and it's wildlife destroyed on behalf of logging , mining , Hunting Lobbyist, Oil , etc. to stop these damaging bills in the Senate, this is our country also. The others make up a small majority of the views and voices of the American Public.
Thank You, with much appreciation for your hard work as leader , I pray that you listen to the voices of us who have no lobbyist in the Capital--- all we have our votes !