Protect the Woodland Caribou from Extinction
- by: Nyack Clancy
- recipient: Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell,- President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden
Woodland caribou may be extinct before the year 2100 if the rate of range loss continues. Once found throughout much of Canada's boreal forest, widespread range collapse and landscape disruption caused by humans are the chief causes of migrating caribou range recession and population decline.
With the construction of the XL pipeline from Alberta, Canadfa to Texas would surely spell disasted for the Woodland Caribou- and severly impact migration between Ontario's boreal forest and the last foothold they have in the United States in the panhandle of Idaho.
At least half of the caribou's range has already been lost due to activities that have disturbed and fragmented their forest habitat, such as road building and logging.The pipeline could mean extinction.
Canada has three types of caribou - peary, barren-ground, and woodland. Advocates for oil drilling from Alaska will argue that the caribou there are bountiful- but barren ground caribou are in Alaska- NOT migrating woodland caribou.
We ask that you ensure the survival of the Woodland Caribou by protecting its natural habitat. Continue to say NO to the XL Pipeline.
Woodland caribou may be extinct before the year 2100 if the rate of range loss continues. Once found throughout much of Canada's boreal forest, widespread range collapse and landscape disruption caused by humans are the chief causes of migrating caribou range recession and population decline.
With the construction of the XL pipeline from Alberta, Canadfa to Texas would surely spell disasted for the Woodland Caribou- and severly impact migration between Ontario's boreal forest and the last foothold they have in the United States in the panhandle of Idaho.
At least half of the caribou's range has already been lost due to activities that have disturbed and fragmented their forest habitat, such as road building and logging.The pipeline could mean extinction.
Canada has three types of caribou - peary, barren-ground, and woodland. Advocates for oil drilling from Alaska will argue that the caribou there are bountiful- but barren ground caribou are in Alaska- NOT migrating woodland caribou.
We ask that you ensure the survival of the Woodland Caribou by protecting its natural habitat. Continue to say NO to the XL Pipeline.
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