Nobody has any right to take baby elephants away from their mothers. Not a government nor poachers. There is no logical reason for it, apart from monetary gain. Who or what gives a government of ANY country the right to literally wipe out a species in one generation.
They only have one motivation and that is greed. No more, no less.
These babies need their mothers and their herds for nourishment, social interaction, the learning of valuable life skills and protection. CITES obviously has no authority over this abhorrent trade, or they don't care, so why do we pay them to do a job they're not doing, which is protecting endangered wildlife species?
These poor animals are destined for a solitary, abysmal life in a concrete hellhole just like Mali.
If people are in any doubt about how much pain and suffering these babies go through, please read this article from 2012 in the UK Daily Mail newspaper. These are very tough pictures to look at and it makes for sad reading, but this is happening NOW and together with other fantastic people around the world, I hope to help to put a stop to this abhorrent torture of our beloved elephants.
And this article from 2013:
The National Geographic says more on the subject.
The human race will not be satisfied until it has obliterated the entire wildlife population from the face of the earth and it is devasting to watch.
Adult elephants are being slaughtered for their tusks to sell in the illegal ivory trade, and the babies are being taken away to be put on show or kept in squalid, inhumane conditions with no grass or vegetation for them to eat.
This is an update from the Save The Elephant website:
Please help me get to 1000 signatures so that this petition will get highlighted.
This alone will give the petition a massive boost and hopefully it will get seen by the people who CAN make that one decision to make a difference and stop this once and for all!
One last thing.
I remember when I was a child in the 1970's, watching the amazing Sir David Attenborough on the TV, looking on in awe at the exhausting array of beautiful, diverse and sometimes dangerous animals, mammals and birds that he talked about and thinking what a wonderful planet we live on.
I don't think we live on a wonderful planet anymore, and it breaks my heart....
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