Just thought it would be good to post some ''rally etiquette' tips here, as we get asked a lot of questions from people about what is expected of them at rallies.
1. When you arrive, come and say hi and grab yourself a poster to hold, or if you wish, a clipboard, some flyers and pen to gather signatures from the public. Please just do whatever you are comfortable with.
2. If standing with a poster, stand on the steps, close to each other without leaving big gaps. If someone leaves, shuffle along to fill their space. Please stand at all times. We want to appear united, as one large presence, not as individuals. If you need a break and a sit down, please feel free to leave the group for awhile and have a rest.
3. Rallies are sometimes the only time we catch up with a lot of people who we otherwise don't see, so it's great to be able to have a chat. But when there is a speaker talking, please don't talk to each other during their speech. It takes away from the importance of what they are saying, if we seem disinterested in it ourselves.
4. Make sure your poster is always facing the front. We really want to maximise the impact of our images and want them to be fully visible to the public at all times. Also, if you are standing behind others, make sure your poster is high enough to be seen. We are lucky to have the tiered steps, so this really shouldn't be a problem. Feel free to move around until you find a spot that suits you.
And lastly, but definitely not the least.......
We want you to know that your presence at the rallies is really appreciated and that by being there you are really achieving so much for the animals. Thankyou all so much for giving up your time on a regular basis to speak out for the chickens, they REALLY need your voice.
Together we can achieve so much.
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