The Taiji Dolphin slaughter and hunting season begins in 42 days!
Save Japan Dolphins a great organizations needs donations to continue their work in Taiji, Japan.
You want to help but don't know how? You want to educate but its hard for you to go to a protest?
Well, we've come up with #Action4Dolphins event and have come up with some great ideas; Why not have a "Yard Sale or Garage Sale" and donate 1/2 (or all ) of the proceeds to Save Japan Dolphins!
With the tough economy looming over our heads its understandable that donations are tough to take out extra money from your budget. By having a ~ Clean out your home, garage or office for Dolphins! You can make a difference!
Make it fun and it will give you a chance to "Reach out and Educate" those that attend. Print some handout leaf-lets as their receipt. Wear your Ecojoia T-shirt too. Let those know that when they buy your wonderful items with their purchase they too have helped this wonderful organization.
Just commit to send 1/2 of the proceeds and its a win-win, for you and you will help a great organization!
The next coming months will be brutal for dolphins in Japan and we need volunteers "Boots on the Ground".
Do YOU have an idea or an event that you want to share? Share it here with us!