A small colony of cats and kittens are being systematically mutilated and murdered in CULLERA, VALENCIA, SPAIN. A heavily pregnant female was murdered and her body thrown in a nearby river, two kittens sadistically killed, a local animal lover found her floating body (see picture) took photographs of the poor expectant mother, also of the dead kittens, and took the evidence into the Guardia Civil, and the Protectora of Animals who are supposed to enforce the law, to date nothing has been done to stop the slaughter, even though they are allegedly fully aware of who the sadistic murderer is. Time is of the essence, I need as many signatures as possible so I can drive to CULLERA and hand this Petition in Personally to the Guardia Civil demanding the maniac be arrested and charged with blatant ANIMAL CRUELTY. These cats need trapping and sterilizing NOT MURDERING IN THE MOST SADISTIC WAY POSSIBLE. Please help me to save the remaining cats and babies, the murders will continue if we do not intervene. Each week more cats are mutilated, IT HAS TO STOP NOW. I will also contact the Protectora to demand the remaining cats be sterilized, put into adoption shelters if possible in an effort to save them. MORE CATS ARE BEING CALLOUSLY KILLED EVERY WEEK AND NOBODY IS STOPPING IT FROM HAPPENING. BE THEIR VOICE, SIGN AND SHARE, I WILL DO THE REST.
Update #29 years ago
Since my update, messages of concern over the cats are flooding in. A copy of the Petition will be sent by email to the CULLERA ALCALDE (Mayor) D. ERNESTO SANJUAN MARTINEZ today to make him aware of the global outrage this has caused. It will be followed by a visit to The Guardia and Protectora of Animals in CULLERA in the next couple of days. My Thanks Margaret
Update #19 years ago
Dear Animal Lovers, WOW. I am bowled over with gratitude on behalf of the CATS, people have contacted me GLOBALLY offering support for these innocents, I cannot Thank You Enough. You have given them your voice and I pray this will stop more atrocities. I will close the Petition shortly for obvious reasons and update the outcome. With this overwhelming result we will make abusers in Spain aware that THEY ARE BEING WATCHED and other terrified strays might get the help they so badly need.