Tell Wisconsin NOT to kill our sand hill cranes EVER!

  • by: Patricia Randolph
  • recipient: The Wisconsin legislature, Dept. of Natural Resources, Natural Resources Board, and citizens of Wisconsin

Hunters want to kill sand hill cranes in Wisconsin. Monday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. in every county in the state, ALL citizens ( even children of any age ) can vote on whether to initiate a crane killing "season", whether to kill our rare white deer, whether to expand killing 4,750 peaceful bears, mostly cubs, over packs of dogs, and to expand trapping 7 months of the year to night trapping on public lands. The locations in every WI county and questionnaire are here on the DNR web site:

Cranes are endangered by humans all over the world. Climate change, destruction of wetlands, loss of habitat and other hunters killing them along the flyways cause constant suffering and destruction of these beautiful graceful birds, sacred in many cultures like Japan. Why aren't they sacred in Wisconsin?

There is no reason except blood lust and boredom of killing enthusiasts to have more species to kill. Cranes help farmers by eating bugs from the farm fields. The farmers have the option of treating their crops with a cheap and effective spray @ about 10 cents an acre that deters cranes from eating their seeds and still they help by eating bugs.

Also whooping cranes home in Wisconsin, transiting in and out of summer habitat. They are very endangered and could be shot by these enthusiasts.

Please sign and network this petition widely to support Wisconsin citizens in learning the importance of this long-hidden ( 88 years ) election and vote. The real power is in running two humane candidates every year in every county ( from the grassroots - that means YOU ) to PROTECT our wildlife and change the paradigm of killing control. Hunters will have 2 avid killers up for election in every county - why don't we the majority who kill nobody? It is a commitment of four meetings a year and holds power over our public lands. Learn more at

Wisconsin has become hell on earth for wildlife, expanding trapping, bow-hunting, and running packs of dogs on all wildlife any time.  We have few wardens and they do nothing.  We have poaching and entitlement.  As species become more rare, the killers want more species to kill.  Please boycott Wisconsin tourism and Wisconsin cheese and dairy until the state takes care of our wildlife and the citizens who love them.  After signing, please take the time to network this to all your friends. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Update #59 years ago
In mid-April, the hunters and trappers dominated our "public" hidden election and vote as they have done for 88 years. The public continues to care little. They voted to initiate a sand hill crane hunt on top of having killed OUT quail and sharp-tailed grouse. Never think for a moment that hunters and trappers will stop killing when animals are rare- then they want them MORE. Please sign and network as if it matters!
Update #49 years ago
A SAND HILL CRANE HUNT WAS VOTED IN ON APRIL !3. VERY POOR ATTENDANCE at the 88th Annual ELECTION & Vote - 4,600 people statewide, mostly hunters and trappers and hounders, attended and voted FOR a sand hill crane hunt. Like the mourning dove hunt, once instituted, the public forgets about it.

The fact is that the public seems to care little for their wildlife. Please let them know that YOU CARE ABOUT SAND HILL CRANES. So far this petition has not gained traction.
Update #39 years ago
The only night Wisconsin citizens can vote AGAINST killing our sand hill cranes is Monday, April 13, at 6:30 p.m. in every county in Wisconsin. Please if you are from Wisconsin, attend and RUN 2 humane candidates in your county every year to change the proposals. Locations for all 72 counties: ONE NIGHT THAT YOU CAN SPEAK FOR THE VOICELESS! THANKS.
Update #29 years ago
URGENT: We have only 1175 signatures to save our sand hill cranes. We need 100,000 because that is how many people are working to kill them. Please care about their lives as much as people care to kill them. ( 1000 signers enrolling ten people to sign, each and that 10,000 enrolling ten each would do it!) Please act now! Thanks for helping - I really appreciate it - and so do the cranes and their babies!
Update #19 years ago
Thank you for signing.

Please network this petition to animal friendly organizations, email lists, facebook and twitter friends to get us over 20,000 signatures by April 13.

Please care enough to organize state by state to reform FUNDING of state nature agencies, replacing killing licenses as the main funding mechanism to general public funding tied to fair representation for the 90% + who do not kill wildlife for fun.

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