Hi my name is Ashley and I am starting this petition to save my dog she was involved In a incidents Were she bit someone trespassing into my home. Bella is no harm she is a lovable dog we've had her since she was a baby I knew we were going to have her before she was even born we still have her parents in the family. these our family dogs everyone that has come into my home has no problem with her all she wants to do is cuddle an lick You she's like another kid in the house she sleeps with everyone in the house we legit have to Tuck her in for her to go to sleep me my brother and sister have a bunch of friends that are in And Out of our house and nobody ever has a problem with Bella she is a lovable dog and the fact that she is a pit bull she already has a bad reputation pit bulls are not bad its the way you raise them. they took her away from us and she's apart of are family we feel empty and uncompleted with out here the past week we have been heartbroken and in order to get her back I need everyone and anyone's help so pleas sign this petition so we can bring are Bella back home I appreciate all the support I can getv