Promotion dogs (in Bulgarian " trichane on kucheta ") - is an ancient Bulgarian ritual that once a year on March 6 carried out in the villages , to prevent the occurrence of rabies in livestock and warding off evil spirits from the houses of the villagers . The ritual is performed as follows: On the banks of the small pond , usually shallow river , set two pillars . Pull the rope between them . Tilting the pillars in the center of the pool , the middle rope and lowered carefully twist , forming a loop at the end . Then take the dog selected to participate in the ritual , and through the neck loop to hook it under his chest . Straighten tilted poles and twisted rope begins to straighten up , spinning the poor animal with great speed. Finally loop also untied and frightened victim falls into the water, where barely selected , returning back to their tormentors. Dogs used in the ritual , remain intact , but if you look at the frightened faces and spinning helplessly hanging over the water animals , surrounded on all sides by crowds , singing ' delight becomes creepy. There were cases when the dogs were drowned , falling into the water completely dizorientirovannymi after promotion. During ritual dogs often injured as from digging into the body of the rope , injuring internal organs, and during the fall into the water in a state of shock and swallowing dirty water entering the lungs.
Organization for the Protection of Animal Rights in Bulgaria, Europe and America strongly opposed continuing the ritual. Activist for animal rights Carmen Martinez , a resident of London, posted a petition categorical requirement : to prevent the ritual in the spring of 2014. Signing petitions expires March 1, 2014 . To petition gained strength required 27,000 votes. Today the number of signatories has reached more than 21,000 people . We ask all who love their pets and caring for dogs , sign the petition via Facebook or Twitter. Together, let us stop this horrible practice , especially considering that today we have more humane ways to combat rabies vaccination in the form ! View and sign the petition by the link : © When copying materials reference is obligatory on !Originator :