Nine months after Zambia lifted its general trophy hunting ban—which included elephants—the country has now lifted its ban on hunting lions and leopards, according to a report on
The country's Minister of Tourism and Arts, Jean Kapata, said the ban on hunting had resulted in significantly lost revenue for game managers.
Lion hunting would not begin until next season (2016-2017), but leopard hunting would begin immediately.
However, the move has been condemned by Zambia's Green Party.
Peter Sinkamba, the Green Party's president said: "We all know that the number of lions and other big cat species in Zambia’s major parks is depleted and limited due to poaching and other anthropogenic activities.”
LionAid, a conservation group, has said it believes that there are no more than 400 lions left in Zambia.
Lions and leopards are already struggling to survive due to poaching and habitat loss. The additional strain on their survival due to hunting could tip them into extinction in Zambia.
Moreover, the pain and suffering animals are subjected to through hunting should not be supported.
Will you join me in urging the government of Zambia not to lift the ban on hunting to help protect both lions and leopards whose numbers are depleted by poaching and loss of habitat?
Please sign and share the petition.