San Francisco Zoo - Don't Kick Chimps Out!

  • by: kimberly leo
  • recipient: San Francisco Zoo Director Tanya Peterson

POST KGO-TV I-Team Story Update:  Thank you to all the new signers!  And for your heartfelt words about these Precious Chimps.  Please make sure to check my blog OR join my Facebook Group Save San Francisco Zoo Chimps, for more info on what you can do to help, and continued coverage and ideas to Help them Stay Home!  One such thing would be a show of LOVE at Thursdays Joint Zoo Meeting.  5pm @ the Zoo. Thank you again for your interest! Kim Forwood

The San Francisco Zoo has yet to make a public statement about their plan to Move Our Three Senior Chimps to another facility. That said, Staff have shared that there is indeed a plan and its no secret. Why do I want this stopped?

The SFZoo Chimpanzees have lived at the Zoo for 45 years +. All taken from the wild as infants. For two, the SFZoo is the only home they have ever known. They are aged 57, 45, and 45. At this stage in their life, I feel moving them would be traumatic.

In addition to it being Traumatic, it is also a Disgrace, as the San Francisco Zoo has let them down.

They have lived in the same enclosure since arriving at the Zoo. Starting in 1968, our Male arrived when the Triple Grotto first opened. There have only been two upgrades since. The last in mid 1980s. ... In 1997 the Residents of San Francisco voted in Tax Bond Money for the Zoo, one new exhibit specifically was the Great Ape Forest. After misappropriating the funds, the Chimps new home was never built. The money never replaced. The Chimps off the to do list.

During Directors Peterson's reign, we have seen her authorize to not only build party areas, but continue to and still planning to, bring in more non-rescued Animals and build new exhibits for them. The Chimps sit by an wait in a home with peeling paint and a rusted play structure.

Now, from what I hear the Chimps are faced with possibly being moved, because of possible group size and enclosure requirements by the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums). If the San Francisco Zoo had done right by these Chimps all along, instead of ignoring them and favoring the "shiny and new", this would not be happening.

Some might say they would be better off if the above is true.  In my opinion,that could then be said of every disrespected Animal at the SFZoo.  Admittedly, if age wasn't a factor, maybe, but it is the foremost factor now.  I also beleive that Director Peterson and the SFZoo authoritative management (San Francisco Zoological Society and San Francisco Recreation and Park) should not get away with years of ignoring and be held responcible for this current situation.

This is a Call to Action for the San Francisco Zoo Director, to:

*Halt any plan to bring in new non-rescue Animals in dire need.

*Upgrade their existing home, so they can bring in two additional females.

*Build the new Chimpanzee home they and the Residents of San Francisco, were promised 18 years ago.

By signing this petition, I hope we can shine light on this situation and Stop This Move.  SO, Our Senior Chimps can live out their lives in the place they know as home. Please sign, share and Help Save Our Chimps.

Thank you ... also find us on Facebook!

Update #59 years ago
9.20.15 - New Petition. Six Months after this one, San Francisco Zoo is Denying Chimps Immedieate Attention they were Promised. PLease SIgn and Share. Thank you! ... ... 8.29.15-Update from Zoo about Upgrade Plan - Info and diagrams here:
Update #49 years ago
Hello! I apologize for not posting updates. With all the Social Networking I try to do, I actually forgot updating here should be done! I have done some on the blog and Facebook Group SO Please make sure to check there! .. The updates here only allow for short messages, so I will post a few direct links in following messages.
Update #310 years ago
Thank you to everyone who signed this Petition. Being a Voice for these Chimps Helped Them Get to Stay Home! Please continue to follow this Story on their blog ... I hope to put together some ideas on how we can still help them, as the Zoo upgrades their current home and builds them a new one! ... I have just uploaded a Congratulatory Video I made of them hearing the News from me :) ... Thank you again!
Update #210 years ago
Save SFZoo Chimps Update! - CHIMPS SAVED!!! - San Francisco Zoo Director Announced yesterday that the SFZoo will Keep the Chimps Home!!! ... Thank you to everyone who signed this Petition! I believe it was public outcry that won this Victory for Cobby, Maggie and Minnie! ... Read more of the details and continue to follow their story on the blog: and/or find us on facebook! Thank you again! Kim
Update #110 years ago
Hello Save SFZoo Chimp Signers! First of all a BIG Thank You! Your words are very moving and had me sobbing! I have printed out four pages of Comments to take to the Zoo Meeting tonight. I couldn't take them all, which means there were so many! Thank you for showing the Chimps some LOVE! ... I have written several posts on my blog, with updates and information. Please visit and keep informed, as well as figure out how we can Help to Keep Our Chimps Home! Thank you! Kim
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