The people of the Faroe Islands refuse to stop butchering Pilot Whales and other whales that beach on the islands. This is the first petition of what could be many to put pressure on their econmoy until they realise the world is disgusted with what they do. Please sign this petition if you care about these animals who live as families and are butchered in the most barbaric way, turning the sea red with blood whilst their killers are stood next to them enjoying every minute.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
You will have seen the horrible pictures of Pilot Whales and Dolphins being slaughtered in the most barbaric ways in the Faroe Islands. We are asking if you will please stop taking cruise passengers there and contributing to their economy while they continue their nasty whaling practices.
We have already had messages from both Cunard and P and O saying that they do not condone the whaling practices there and to rest assured they will no longer be visiting the Faroe Islands whilst the killing of Pilot Whales continues. Two German cruise lines have also stopped visiting for the same reasons.
The whale and dolphin meat is contaminated with mercury and pregnant women can not eat it. Anyone else eating it would soon be ill if they made a regular meal of it. The people of the Faroes say they need to do it for food. that may have been true 100 years ago. Now they have super markets that sell meat that does not have mercury in it. The other reason they say they do it is for tradition. Well most traditions, especially barbaric ones, usually come to and. There is no justification for the needless and crule butchery of Pilot Whales and Dolphins. Please stop helping these people do this by contributing to their economy with cruise passengers who love to see whales and dolphins swimming free in the wild. I know this because I am one and you will see many comments from people who cruise who are disgusted with what goes on there. These passengers are clearly saying that they will stop cruising with any cruise line that continues to go there. I, myself, will no longer cruise with Royal Caribbean unless they stop going there and will be changing to P and O cruises.
5,000 people, enough to fill a good size Cruise Ship have asked you to stop, please do.
Looking forward to your reply.
David Hooper.
Ps....While writing this message I recieved an e-mail from Princess Cruises saying that they are stopping going to the Faroes Islands in 2015/16/17 due to 'commercial appeal'..
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