Qatari & Arab Countries - Ban the Sale of Wild & Exotic Animals Through Social Media Sites!
- by: Sue Lee
- recipient: Government and Law Officials of Doha & Qatari
Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to ask Qatari to ban all sales of wild and exotic animals through any social media sites. The market for these animals is a large business and puts them into the wrong hands and such sales need to be permanently banned!
Recent news shows that there is still a thriving secret market for wild and exotic animals like leopards, lions, chimpanzees and more in Qatari, Doha & other Arab areas. Most buyers are those that like the thrill of having dangerous animals as pets, which puts the owners and any visitors in peril. These buyers are willing to pay any price and often sales are through many types of social media sites and the local Arabic daily.
Keeping such animals are in violation of the laws in this country; laws that are evidently not enforced. Many people are fearful of visiting friends that have such animals because of the dangers they present. A few have gotten killed by such "pets". The Arab daily said it managed to visit some homes in Qatar that have wild animals as pets and the people there spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Help us through the signing and sharing of this petition on all your media sites as we work with the Ministry of Interior in these countries to ban the sale of these animals on all media sites and prevent private ownership of wild and exotic pets. The organization is also suggesting an extensive inspection campaign to be launched and the animals be caught and sent to the zoo. The owners must be fined hugely, made to pay for the animals’ daily upkeep in the zoo and allowed to visit their animals at regular intervals.
Government and Law Officials of Doha & Qatari - You need to be more diligent with your laws regarding the sale and ownership of wild and exotic animals in your country. No one should be allowed to own these types of animals and the their sales should be totally banned from all social media sites. Enforce laws against these practices and punish people with jail time and fines for violations. Additionally, anyone who breaks the law should also be banned from owning any type of animal since they cannot follow rules, regulations and laws. Also work closely with the Ministry of Interior for an extensive inspection campaign to be launched and the animals be caught and sent to the zoo. The owners must be fined hugely, made to pay for the animals’ daily upkeep in the zoo and allowed to visit their animals at regular intervals. Do not allow private ownership of wild and exotic animals and put an end to their sales in any manner.
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