Notice the inhumane conditions that Markwell kept the animals in. No clean water, filth and feces everywhere, no food within sight, and no room to move around being how tiny the cages were. This is not an animal oasis of any sort, but a sheer stinking nightmare!
With that being said, it's now been about a year since around Dec. 3 when protests were at their peak which led to the arrest of Markwell and his depraved accomplice Tamira Thayne the animal rescue organization founder from Virginia who demanded the return of a chow-mix dog that her organization placed in Markwell's care. The AARF President Heather Enajibi, however, had the exact opposite to say that Markwell did not provide “adequate and humane” care for LeRoy.
Despite all of this no charges have yet been filed which is appalling considering the condtions the animals were put through which Markwell tried to justify by claming it was due to a lack of funds. This is unacceptable. We demand the fool be prosecuted at once!