Demand Alfie the Yorkshire Terrier be Returned Home Now
Alfie is a ten year old Yorkshire Terrier. He lives at home with his 73 year old owner. The metropolitan police service sent seven officers in five police cars to seize little Alfie as a dangerous dog because he ran after a delivery man, who fell over his own feet. Alfie did not bite his accuser.
Alfies owner Claudia was petrified by all of these officers decending on her in her home and they have not even had the human decency to let her see Alfie or tell her how he is. They have never been parted and both are suffering beyond belief. That is the main reason for this petition. Alfie deserves to go home and Claudia deserves to have him home. I want to know who this delivery driver was delivering for so I can avoid them, I certainly do not want this person near my home.
The second reason I started this petition is the sheer stupidity of The Metropolitan police service. When people are being told the force either can't or won't investigate crimes against them because they don't have the resources, yet they will spend money on lunacy like a 10 pound "dangerous" dog? When there are real criminals and dangers out there and the police are more concerned with taking a 10 year-old tiny dog from his elderly owner we know we need to start holding police forces to account for their lack of simple common sense.
Please sign and demand Alfie can go home, please stand up for an elderly lady who's best friend has been so unnecessarily taken from her, imagine she and Alfie were your family members, would you stand for this?
Thank you
Update #17 years ago
Hi guys
First of all, Alfie has been returned home today by The Metropolitan Police!
This is wonderful news and I am so happy for him and his owner Claudia xx
I sincerely hope that the police will follow up on this delivery driver for wasting police time.
Secondly, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read and sign this petition.
Thank you mostly for caring about little Alfie.
Thirdly I hope not just The Met but, all police forces learn from this.
Kelly xx
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