Facebook: Change your Community Standards!

Facebook is littered with pages which encourage violence against animals and disrespecting wildlife and the environment. These pages show pictures of dead animals, including wolves and other endangered species, which have been killed by the members of these pages. Posts often show and encourage kids (yes, KIDS) killing animals.

When reporting these pages, the Facebook Help Team says that the page "doesn't violate our Community Standards". In these Community Standards it's said that you can report a page if it incites hate, but this hate is meant only against human beings; in a world that is getting more and more concerned about environment conservation, I think that Facebook Community Standards should be changed and should ban hate against animals.

Join me in asking Facebook to change their Community Standards to ban "inciting hate and violence against animals".

I know that hunting is an activity that many people practice; I'm not here to question this or to take away anyone's freedom. But I think that pages that, for example, say that all the wolves should be killed "because they are filthy vermin like cockroaches" (taken from the "Kill All The Wolves" Facebook page) clearly go over the simple love for hunting and encourage hate against animals.
That's why I'm asking to change Facebook Community Standards including "inciting hate and violence against animals", and just like in the part concerning human beings there could be different levels ('m not asking to ban ALL the pages about hunting; I'd like just to be able to report pages that are clearly disrespecting life and inciting hate and violence against ANY living being). And let's not forget that violence against animals very often turns in violence against human beings.

We, the undersigned, call on you to change Facebook's Community Standards to no longer allow photos and/or language which incites hatred and violence against animals.

Update #210 years ago
Kill all the wolves is back again on Facebook!
And this isn't the only page with this kind of content (check https://www.facebook.com/dogdown2012 for an example). It's time to ask Facebook to change its Community Standards, so these pages can be reported! Let's stop spreading hate against animals!
Update #110 years ago
Thanks to the many segnalation, some pages like "KILL ALL THE WOLVES" have been shut down some days ago; still, this kind of pages use to come back, changing name in order to be more difficult to find and sometimes becoming Facebook groups like these ones:
If we want these pages out of Facebook, we need to change Facebook Community Standards! Togheter we can make it!
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