South Carolina Leaders: Take Down the Confederate Flag!

In the wake of the horrific, racist murders of nine innocent black South Carolinians, the US flag was lowered to half mast across the state. Likewise, for the official state flag.

The one flag that was not ordered lowered in South Carolina: the Confederate flag that is still flown on the state capitol grounds.

For millions of Americans, the Confederate flag is a painful, lingering testament to the country’s racist, violent past. For the racist extremists of today — violent terrorists like the Charleston church killer — the flag remains a powerful symbol of white supremacy.

It's time for South Carolina to stop celebrating the systemic oppression of and racist violence against black Americans. The good news is that Governor Haley has just announced her support for taking it down - but while the tide is turning, it's the legislature that will have to act.

Sign the petition today to tell the South Carolina General Assembly to permanently remove the Confederate flag from state grounds!

As someone who is concerned about ending racist violence, I strongly urge you to heed Governor Haley and Rep. Clyburn's call - please do everything in your power, including supporting Rep. Brannon's forthcoming bill, to remove the Confederate battle flag from the state capitol grounds and from all state government buildings and their grounds across South Carolina!


For millions of Americans, the confederate flag is a painful, lingering testament to the country’s racist, violent past. For the racist extremists of today -- violent terrorists like the Charleston church killer -- the flag remains a powerful symbol of white supremacy.

It is time for South Carolina to stop honoring racism. Please consign this symbol to where it belongs -- the dustbin of history.


[Your name]
Update #19 years ago
Great news! Gov. Haley just called on the General Assembly to remove the racist Confederate flag. She was joined by Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, as well as Rep. James Clyburn.

But while Gov. Haley has a powerful voice and the tide is turning, it will take two-thirds of the legislature to get this done. Please keep sharing the Care2 petition demanding the Confederate flag come down!
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