End Commercial Aerial Hunting of Wild Hogs

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Texas Legislature

In Texas, $700 will get you a helicopter ride -- and the chance to chase a wild hog to exhaustion and gun it down from the comfort and safety of you seat in the air.

Feral hogs are a cause for concern in Texas although they have been in the area since the mid-1950s.  It was not until the 1980s that their population has become more out of control. They eventually became a popular game animal for hunting.  These animals have a tremendous capability for quick reproduction, often having two litters per year, with the female young already sexually active within 6 to 8 months, creating more numbers of the feral animals. 

In order to control the numbers of feral hogs in Texas, it is currently legal to snare, trap, shoot and capture the animals with the use of dogs.  The hogs can be harmful and a danger, especially in large numbers, leading to desperate measures to eradicate them. Hunting of the animals is permitted in Texas 24 hours daily, 7 days a week, all year. A recent method of controlling the hog population is by selling helicopter rides to hunters as a means to chase down and shoot the animals as a form of entertainment.

This new form of “entertainment” is cruel and unethical.  Texas Governor Perry actually signed a law that is referred to as the “pork chopper bill” that allows for aerial hunting of the feral hogs as a way to deal with the Texas’ estimated two million feral hog issues.  Many in opposition of this new law argue that this is an inhumane and cruel way of trying to control the wild hog populations.  Many of the wounded animals in helicopter shootings endure a great deal of suffering and pain.

Trigger Warning: You can view the disturbing and graphic video at on YouTube.

Help end this brutal form of “entertainment”  -- sign the petition to urge the Texas Legislature to prohibit private businesses from using helicopters or other aircraft to chase and kill wild hogs.

Texas Legislature -  

I strongly urge you to ban and prohibit hunters from using helicopters or other aerial craft to chase down and kill wild hogs. There is nothing entertaining or fun about shooting feral hogs from a helicopter.  This practice is inhumane, cruel and unethical.  Aerial shooting these animals is indeed animal cruelty. Ban commercial aerial hunting of wild hogs.

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