What Happened: Since 1957 The NewZealand government partys Blue and Red have been using poison and pesticide to control wild life and plant life. And the long term effect over 60 years has caused large scale pollution and contamination of water and land also killing and devastating the ecosystem and all living breathing, insects,wildlife and aquatic life.
With NewZealand politics being a old energy there old systems have become stagnant energy creating a ineffective government. We are seeing it now and have been seeing it for a decade or more. The solution: come to a realisation we do not need a winner takes all election. (Winner takes all does not work) what we need is a new energy a new group the best group that will not only compromise but put the two red and blue together in the most sensible way. We don't need a leader from one or the other red/blue . What we need is a new complete and whole separate group called the COMPROMISES. And then elect one who is the best one to put the puzzle together we will call this the Solution party.(e.g. BAN 1080 party) that will run on the platform for solution to resolve all the issues between Blue and Red. And Blue and Red will belong to the Solution party. Win/win. Because winner takes all dose not work. The Solution party will compromise and Ban all Poisons, pesticides and Pollution caused from poisoning and pesticide in NewZealand. Creating your new revolutionary energy to create a more kind elegant Consciousness that works together with peace,unity and humanity restoring National parks to 100% organic sustainable resources for the future of our children,ecosystem,water,land and wildlife and aquatic conservation.We live here now in a Universe Uni=1 Verse=song 1song everything is music we are 1. Sign the petition to help support and Save the NewZealand ecosystem and environment today ❤️🌟✅🤗🌏🇳🇿💯