Support Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation

  • by: Kirk Dennis
  • recipient: Gary Thompson, City Manager, Jurupa Valley

Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation has been saving and providing a home for cats for over 28 years.  Now the City of Jurupa Valley wants the sanctuary to submit an application for permit, including a $10,000 deposit.  Being a non profit cat rescue and sanctuary it is all but impossible for Room 8 to come up with $10,000 for this deposit.  Since Room 8 was started before Jurupa Valley became a city, they are asking the City Manager to grant them a grandfather exemption, so that they can continue to do the work they do.  (Details on FB Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation). Please sign this petition asking City Manager Gary Thompson to allow Room 8 to use the "grandfather clause" so that they can continue to operate.

After reading of the situation of Room 8 in the paper, regarding the $10,000 dollar fee, I started an online petition asking people to sign to urge you to Room 8 to be "grandfathered" in, since to a non-profit like Room 8 $10,000 as very difficult to come by.  They live on donations of supplies and money.  The petition went up on Sept 17, and to date has over 450 signatures.  There would be more but I'm afraid I'm not too adept at social media.  However signatures continue to come in daily.  I am forwarding what we have at this time, as I realize this is a time sensitive matter.  I hope you will consider that there are many many people like me who have a strong consideration for people who help animals.  I sincerely hope that you will find a way to allow Room 8 to continue to do the work that they do.

Update #110 years ago
I have an update from Room 8 Cat Sanctuary. After several meetings and some delays with the City, the city has agreed to waive most of the fees they were requesting from Room 8. So we are successful, and Room 8 will be able to continue uninterrupted! Thank you to all who signed for your help, and the cats send a huge THANK YOU as well.
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