Lucian Needs our Voice , He Cant Speak For Himself

Lucians story. I have been a Certified Master Dog Trainer over 19 years. I am the breeder and original owner of Lucian. Due to an unscheduled move I was over the town limit for dogs owned. I regretfully decided to rehome Lucian. I chose to rehome Lucian for free so I could be more discriminating towards potential owners. I eventually chose to rehome Lucian with the West family for many reasons. One being they had two older children and had big dog experience . They had brought there female Rottweiler to the meet Lucian. Also the teenage daughter shared her desires to dog train which was great because II informed them he would need to continue his training. Also Mrs Andrea West told me of there large property with other animals.
Over time I lost contact with the West family until I saw a Craigslist Ad for Lucian rehoming him due to being banned by the Town of Warren Massachusetts. I immediately tried to contact the West family but was not responded to. After several attempts without success I decided to contact the local dog officer. I was in disbelief of the accusations and assessment of his behavior but she was the ACO and seemed to want to be helpful. She informed me of the Board of Selectmen decision to give the West family two weeks to rehome Lucian or they would vote to euthanize him. The ACO contacted the west family to inform them that I would take the dog. Andrea west called me and we talked about Lucian. Her description of Lucians behavior and incidents was much different then what I had been told by the ACO. We agreed I would pick him up but I was concerned thinking if the ACO was correct about his behavior I may agree with a euthanization of a dig I have great affection for. A dog that I imprinted in his young age. I picked up Lucian and saw no aggressive behavior but lack of control by the owners. I evaluated the next day quickly realizing he was the same lovable dog I new
.Lucian was the same dog that loved children ,adults, and other animals. I was so happy. I was called by the ACO informing me the Town of Warren would like me to come to the selectmen meeting on June 3rd. I was told they wanted to know my history of owning Presas which I have had over 13 adults at one time. Also my history of dog training and breeding. I went to the meeting expecting them just to be happy the dog had been rehomed to such an experienced individual. The town had already said they would drop the case if the dog was rehomed. To my surprise the ACO had several negative things to say about Lucian that supposedly happened within the two weeks. That Lucian had bitten several people. She just had no names reports or any type of evidence of this. The ACO says Lucian exhibited vicious behavior when she went to the home of the West family. Have you ever had a dog bark at you through a door ,window, or fence. I have I thought that was a natural way for dogs to communicate. I must be wrong !!! Hearing the ACO new stories the board decided to take a vote to euthanize and it passed. I was shocked. Outside I saw the lovely ACO and she said in my professional opinion I agree with the board but my personal opinion is he should be with you. Are you kidding me my personal opinion on dangerous and vicious dogs is the same as my professional. I couldn't believe what the ACO and board had just done. I had 10 days to appeal and gathered all the information that I could and decided I must appeal. Also knowing the temperament of this dog that was at my home with my children.
First of all Lucians problem are that he got loose several times from the owners. I believe no dogs should be allowed to run free. You are asking for problems when you have a dog that looks like Lucian. He is accused of bumping someone , and chasing two kids. That could sound bad if you don't know the actual story. Lucian was also charged with biting a social worker it the home. That could be bad if you don't know the story. Lucian loved the social worker. The owner was the only one home and had a broken leg. Unfortunately not having great control of Lucian he wanted to play and jumped up towards the social worker. at that moment she stuck her hand out and it went in his mouth and a tooth went into her hand. The social worker had to go get it glued at the hospital and of course they had to report it as a dog bite. The social worker admitted fault and would not follow through with any complaint. Do you think a social worker with have a problem with a dangerous dog being in a home with children ? Also a Presa Canario has up to 552 lbs of biting pressure. I think a bite to the hand would do a little bit more damage. Also in reports the ACO says there have been several bites she just doesn't have any names, reports or proof. To me it all comes down to breed discrimination because he is big and looks scary. Everyday I am going to highlight apiece of this case. I will point out differences in town reports. Also we had a hearing in front of a magistrate. What I have to say to the ACO is things are easy to remember if you are telling the truth. I will point out the ACO's convenient lack of memory.I am very passionate about this case knowing this dog is not
dangerous or vicious . If he was he still would be dogs don't choose to just behave this way on certain days a vicious dangerous dog will allways behave vicious and dangerous.

Certified Master Dog Trainer

Thank you for your support Lician only has till the 16th of sept till ( a few days from now) before his fate is decided. please share his petition, we need your help to spread the word and save him .This sweet biys life is on the line. please see Lucians Progress On Facebook at 

Help Save Lucian 

Update #110 years ago
PLease share, Lucian only has till Sept 16th 2014,please dont let this boy be euthanized.
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