Ban Mountain top Removal & Metallic Mining in Maine

  • by: Craig Terrell
  • recipient: Maine DEP, EPA and Maine Legislators

Its clear that the Maine DEP and a few Legislators would pass a law allowing Metallic Mining in dangerous deposits in Maine. Allowing loosely written laws to pollute the pristine waters of Maine. Please send a message loud and clear No degradation of our waters! No Mountain top removal, No more mining superfund clean-ups allowed. Stop the permitting of Metallic Mining in Maine at once.

Metallic Mining laws in Maine are not strong enough and the DEP refused to slow down the process and invole stake holders. It is clear thier intention is to discharge pollutents into the waters and deprive Maines residents of the substinence they have relied on for hundreds of years. Please send them a clear Message and sign this petition and share it.

Update #57 years ago
LD 395 continues the lies of Metallic Mining by the DEP allowing Metallic Mining to denigrate waters of Maine in a mining area, Wet Mine waste units, returning to a natural state will never happen.
Update #48 years ago
Please write your legislative representative and tell them to reject the Basis statement that allows unlimited pollution to the Waters of Maine and replace the statue that allows it.
Update #38 years ago
The Maine DEP is accepting public comment on the minor changes made to the mining rules until Friday, December 16. You can email your comments to
Update #28 years ago
Update #18 years ago
Metallic Mining information links;
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