Demand justice for animals trapped in a closed pet store over 37 hours now!!!

UPDATED: LAST PARAGRAPH!! FRESH POND PET SHOP 6077 Fresh Pond Road Maspeth New York has closed it's doors due to no permits!! Live animals continue to suffer from neglect and abuse from the lack of basic water, food and even air! They have a sign closed for business but no one has seen the gates go up all night or day so far, and there's no other way in. All the times people went into the store in the last week before they closed, all animals had no food or water! So when they are there there's no food and water, and when they aren't there surely is none!! A police officer came to a call there where none of the animals had food or water and had to tell a young kid who was running the store to please give them water! They drank it like they have never seen water before. It's heartbreaking. Nobody has been there since Wednesday evening. It is now 66 hours

There's several animals trapped inside since last night 5:30pm. Including a Husky, a miniature pincher, three or 4 cats, hampters, rabbits, fish, etc!! The husky is almost crippled due to the lack of basic exercise. The miniature pincher was abandoned by an owner on Thursday March 6th, 2014. They never came for it, she has been in a glas box for 6 days now. The husky is in a small crate in the back where it can't even stretch it's legs for more than 18 hours now!!! 

Many local agencies have been notified of the situation but these animals are still inside suffering from lack of a simple drop of water!! Please help these animals before it's too late!! 

Wednesday night some of the animals were recused but many still remain and now it's over 36 hours without food or water, trapped in cages!!! Please help these animals!! Police say it's not them that needs to respond, but ASPCA states that it is!! Who's job is that to take action??? Please help! It is now 66 hours no food or water.

All the animals were removed in the middle of the night last night!! Monday night March 17th. No one knows If they were dead or alive. The 104th precienth was telling the ASPCA, HUMANE SOCIETY and PETA that the animals were removed on Wednesday March 12th, but that was not true, only SOME animals were removed that evening. This wrong information made all agencies stop helping. This is why they went that long behind the closed pet store with no help. I called everyone possible. Police stated it was not considered neglect or cruelty or a crime because it was possible that somone was going in through another enterance and or going in the middle of the night. By the way, theres only one way in and out. According to the police, they could not get a search warrant to go in because no one had proof this was taking place behind these closed doors. The pet shop owners received several phone calls from the police, even concerned people and the police must have asked them to meet them at the store today so they could see what was going on inside the store. No animals were found there today because they moved all the animals the night before. A neighbor across the street saw a woman going into the store monday night, she ran right over and saw a cat crying in the store, very skinny, and the lady ran out of the store so fast and pulled the gates down, Sally, the neighbor was trying to push the door open to see but the lady pushed her out. She shot a picture but only got a picture of the cat carrier the woman was holding which we believe to have been a cat in the carrier. There were two store cats. We believe the detective called the owners and they were prepared for a visit from the police department and had all animals removed. We are all wondering where are the animals now? This is not over. This community wants answers. We want to know how could these people be selling animals without a permit for over a year. How could these animals go days without eating and moving from their tiny enclosures? How is it possible that before they were closed to the public they were opening whenever they felt like it, sometimes not open at all? And then once they were closed, how these animals could continue to suffer, even worse than before the store was closed? We want answers? We want to know where are these poor animals are now? cramped ina box in someone's hallway or dumped in the garbage or toilet bowl? We want justice, we want answers! 

Update #210 years ago

We are still looking for the animals. Owners removed them in the middle of the night on March 17. Activity was seen at midnight in the store, when police came on Tuesday at noon, all the animals were gone. The pet shop owners mentioned to police that they were taking them to Petco. NYPD should have asked for that confirmation. We can't find that information. Nor were any animals seen coming out of the store but one cat in a carrier.
Update #111 years ago
At 9 PM this evening the animals left in this pet shop will be without food and water for 72 hours
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