Coreenia L Preston, 323 Hawkins, Winlock, WA 98596, (360) 785-3969 (and relatives) are selling Afghan Hound puppies on craigslist & ebay classifieds & doodle and other classifieds (8 puppies 4-boys/ 4-females).
She is under investigation for being a puppy mill (2010), formal complaint for selling puppy with Parvo (2010), sued for selling sick puppy (2007), involved in trying to steal a puppy from a pet store (2004). She claims the parents are on site - so we know has a breeding pair of Afghan Hounds
Have left voice messages requesting welfare check on the parents & puppies. Please join me in attempting to get these dogs out of this situation.
Apparantly in Lewis County Washington state what she does is borderline legal. This was my email to USDA Animal Welfare - please feel free to email them (
Can you explain to me why it is legal to have 50 breeding dogs in Lewis County Washington state?
I called Lewis County Public Health department regarding this women, hoping for a welfare check on the dogs in question.
This women is breeding dogs indiscriminately and selling sick puppies on the Internet and locally.
She is not a registered Animal Dealer and she slaughters horses to feed her dogs. She gets some of her free horses from unsuspecting posters on facebook ‘free to good home horses’ categories.
Public Health officials are aware of her actions and although she remains ‘borderline’ legal in their state and county and under investigation – how can what she is doing not be considered animal & equine abuse and neglect for both the dogs & horses?
How can this be legal under any ‘Animal Welfare’ consideration?
Please attempt to explain. if this is legal then the laws need to be changed
Links to articles about her.
Please share and get the word out. This woman needs stopped.